Committee/ WG
Education and Communication Promotion Special Research Working Group
To promote and disseminate knowledge about the art gallery industry and cultivate professionals in the field of art gallery industry history research, TAERCentre will establish the “Education and Communication Promotion Special Research Working Group.” This WG will convene experts and scholars from various sectors, including art galleries and academia, to hold regular expert meetings and plan educational and promotional programs.

TAGA Artwork Authentication and Appraisal Committee
To establish a fair and credible platform for art authentication and appraisal, TAGA appoints impartial and professional experts in collaboration with its appointed directors to form the ” Artwork Authentication and Appraisal Committee.” According to its regulations, this committee is responsible for the art authentication and appraisal of commissioned artworks, and it commissions the most qualified experts, scholars, artists’ relatives, scientific testing units, and so forth, in the respective field to conduct art authentication and appraisal operations.
Artwork Appraisal Education and Ethical Discipline Working Group
According to the “Artwork Authentication and Appraisal Regulations of TAGA,” TAGA will establish the “Artwork Appraisal Education and Ethical Discipline Working Group.” This WG will set standards for art appraisal qualifications, ethical conduct in the profession, as well as minimum education, experience, and examination requirements for art appraisers. It is also responsible for drafting, modifying, and interpreting ” Artwork Authentication and Appraisal Regulations of TAGA.”

Artwork Scientific Testing Method Review Working Group
To regulate the principles for the testing methods required for art authentication and appraisal, TAGA has established this procedure. This procedure is developed based on the “Artwork Authentication And Appraisal Regulations of TAGA” in accordance with the “Artwork Scientific Testing Regulations.” The development of testing methods involves processes such as method selection, drafting, review, and approval. However, testing methods that require public announcement shall be submitted for consultation to the “Artwork Testing Method Advisory Council” before approval, and the provisions of Article 154 and Article 157 of the Administrative Procedure Act shall be followed. Units that pass the review will be awarded a technical review certification certificate by the association.