Interest from the Taiwanese public in the topic of art authenticity has grown in recent years, but they have no intention of understanding the process and technique of art authentication. Under the current legal framework in Taiwan, replication and circulation are considered criminal acts which can be penalized. Two difficulties are faced during an investigation: the proof of artwork authenticity and the safety of the authentication experts. In Taiwan, there are myriad of authentication experts and laboratories, each with their own authentication process. Sometimes, a judge may only interpret evidence based on the authentication expert’s background and education, which may affect the reliability of the evidence. Many authentication disputes therefore end up in the courtroom fall short of a decision.
There are two ways to rectify the situation. The first is to collect the experience of restoration experts. Art restoration places emphasis on materials analysis. Current methods include using infrared light and ultraviolet light. This is combined with historical data and scientific testing for authentication or restoration. Different experts specialize in different material analysis. We will collect their restoration experience and compile a samples database. This database can be used in building an art authentication platform, establishing a certification standard for authentication experts and laboratories, and contributing towards art authentication education in Taiwan in the future.
The other way to rectify this solution is to reference how experts and specialists in the United States organized their authentication and appraisal foundations. We can also take a look at how Korea regulates its art market by strengthening its policy on acquiring authentication and appraisal certification and licenses. Subsequently, civilian and academic experts in Taiwan can decide upon the functions and missions of the art authentication platform. Lastly, the members of the platform offer recommendations to the government on how to establish a national authentication organization which will supervise authentication agencies under its umbrella.
This seminar was held on August 30, 2016. Dr. Chieh-Hsiang Wu from the Department of Fine Arts at National Changhua University of Education, Professor Wei-Tun Chang from the Department of Forensic Science at the Central Policy University, Chia-Hsing Li, a criminal police officer who is well-versed in the art authentication process, Yun-Fong Lin, an art restorer, York Hsiao, the owner of Capital Art Center, and Long-Sheng Shih, the CEO of Art Emperor’s Asia Art Economy Research Center were invited to speak.
Attendee| York HSIAO Wei-Tun CHANG Long-Sheng SHIH Yun-Fong LIN Chia-Hsing LI Chieh-Hsiang WU Wenmei YIU Ren-Feng Ke